Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why I Like Gap Jeans

Like I've mentioned before, I used to get all my jeans from Gymboree but it seems like they are now clueless on how to make wearable jeans. So now I get my Jeans from GAP! They rock!!

Look at the awesome deal!

So the top jeans is Gymboree, sooo pretty but like all their jeans unwearable. The bottom ones are GAP. Awesome and comfortable!

My newest Hobby

I sometimes use my mommy's guitar to entertain my family in the evenings after dinner. 

I think I'm going to be the next Cat Stevens. Or should I say brother Yousuf? hmm... seeing how he is as old as the stars maybe Grandpa Yousuf. 

Pancake- The best kind of Breakfast!

Pancakes are my favorite breakfast! I love it with butter and honey. I always help my mommy make some. 

We put 2 cups flour, 2 t. baking powder, 3 T sugar, 2 T oil, orange rind, 2 eggs, and milk. It's so easy and yummy! Sometimes I put blueberries or chocolate chips.

My Brother's Birthday!

Yesterday was my brother's birthday! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I bet by now everyone has heard of the flooding in Jeddah. I think it rained for four days. Some people were stuck in their schools and had to be airlifted out :O  Here are some pictures of the devastation.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Here is a picture of sunset near my Granny's house. My Granny lives in Saudi Arabia.
Anyway, after sunset strange things happen to good people. This is BEFORE sunset:

And this is AFTER sunset! OMG!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Images of Saudia

Well ok so this last one was taken around here but look! SAND!!!

Planning For The Future

My favorite thing to do is to plan for the future with my mommy. We once planned to visit Alaska and then China. We'll get there one day! We have always planned to settle in Dubai because of :


And we'll visit Paris. And eat in cafes and say 'wee wee' to random people!

And of course by then I'll have a new little brother named Gibran.  Sounds like fun right?! :D

A Day in the Life of a Blueberry

Like I've mentioned before, I always put nail polish before I go outside.  I get a little fancy and make designs! I even do it for my mommy. 

And then I try on different outfits until I pick the one I like.

I even advise my mommy on her scarf! And I take pictures so it's always from this perspective... unless I stand on a chair!.

And then we are ready to face the world! TADA!

And then I go out for a car ride.
These are some pictures I took from the car:

Of course no car ride is complete without a stop at some shop. I love this cute dress- perfect for summer! 

But since it's still rainy and cold I try an umbrella.

And this is the parking lot. I run around a lot and act like a squirrel.  

It is always great fun! When I get home I make a huge fire and roast marshmallows. Once I thought oh why not, and roasted my cheese sandwich until the cheese melted! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! YUMMY! You've got to try it!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

All these goodies!

My granny makes the best food in the world! 

These are sweet samboosas.

My granny had her friend Pashtoon over. So she made dainty little things. I wish I was part of the Tea Party!

So Pretty!

I just HAVE to share this pic with you! I found it on google images. Didn't follow the link because Im too young to be going to random websites all by little self. 

If I ever get a dress like that, this is how I'll henna my hands (I like the right picture more than the left):

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Images of Summer

Summer is my favorite season! It reminds me of Saudi Arabia. Of sand and sun and lots of fun!Here are a few pictures I took over the summer!

Playing in the playground, swimming and soccer!

Looking for evidence of fairies! Look I found an umbrella!

Trying to find the perfect sandy beach!

Hot nights on the balcony with good friends!

Exploring the city and meeting fashionistas at night! Fun!!

I wish summer would hurry up and come already.