Monday, August 20, 2012

Iftar At My Place

Iftar was cheese snails and veggie/seafood wraps. And that's a dip for the wraps. I want Ramadan to come again- don't you?

Eritrean Iftar!

This is an Iftar I had at my friend's place. Her family is from Eritrea and the food her mommy made was what they eat in Eritrea- it was super yummy! That's yogurt and rice and salad and veggie casserole and some super spicy stew that we ate with bread. So good!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ramadan memories of 2012.

We went for Iftar to the Bosnian mosque! It was super fun :D Here are some pictures!!

It was intense for a few minutes as people all lined up.

But everyone had a good time socializing in line, and cutting in line.  

Here's all the goodies. 

Check out the salads!

Such a beautiful night to sit outside and enjoy the cool summer weather. 

Here's the fruit and desert.

Prayer time! 

Cake for Me

These cakes are the perfect size for me. It's an upside-down cake!! It is as delicious as it looks. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Organic Farming

I think I just found a new hobby! And it's great for me because I'm 94.7% vegetarian. Just look at this amazing gourd tunnel! I can play in it for hours- so I baaaadly want one for my room. 

Ah sprouts! Love them! So delicious!!! 

This is just so wonderful! 

A herb wall. Everyone needs one in their living room:)

I dunno if I like this much..

Can you guess what these plants are in?

I'm madly in love with this awesome website. So many bright ideas! And wanna plant turmeric? Then check out how here. Fresh turmeric is so expensive to buy but such a staple at my home that we NEED to plant it to cut costs! 
Anyway, I will definitely be posting updates on my new craze. 

I seriously have no idea how to do this: 

I ♥ this

This is my project for the rest of summer! I'll have my granny help me :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gourmet Bambino Burgers!

Yes that's right! I made burgers! All by myself!!! I hope you make it at home :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hijab my Way

I don't wear hijab. But I do like to do a bit of dress up sometimes just to see how I look with hijab on. I hope you like my video!

How do you like the idea of me starting my very own Blueberry Boutique? Leave a comment! :D

I look so stewardessy here! I don't want to be a stewardess. I'd rather be Captain of a plane :) 

Babysitting Fun!

We sometimes get to babysit grownups. Like a few days ago my mommy had us babysit her friend. We were afraid that she might be naughty so we made up our mind to keep a good eye on her. However she was loads of fun! We went to the park, and to the mosque, and she even let my brother sit in the front seat while she drove in Seattle! Here we are polishing off our Pizza. We had a very late breakfast of pancakes and weren't too hungry, but we NEVER say no to pizza. 

Or to Gelato. 

My New Shoes.

How cool are these?! 

I feel super invincible with these shoes! Grrrr!!!

Soaking up the sun.

Not even funny how much we play outside. We're toastier than a toasted cheese sandwich. I like blowing bubbles at my brothers. They try to dodge the bubbles while they play soccer. 

Our Pet Kitten

Her name is Meow and she lives with my uncle in Saudi Arabia. She's so beautiful and will one day come and live with us! I made a huge list of all the things I wanna do with her, like scuba diving, hiking, having a bake sale. I even wanna go biking with her! She can sit in my bike's basket and I'll pedal as fast as I can! We'll have soooo much fun!

Halal Meat Bellevue Washington

We keep swearing that we'll NEVER shop there again but sometimes we end up there. We bought marshmallows from there once and it was expired so we didn't go there for soooo long. And then when we went again the man took an extra 3 dollars for no reason and my mommy didn't realize until she got home. And then ONCE we bought ground meat from there and it stunk!! Like it was rotten!! After that we never had halal meat again. They're a bunch of stealing scamming good for nothing jelly beans. And you would think by now my mommy would learn NEVER to go there again but grownups! They're not so bright...I wanted Jello and it was the closest store to us so we went there to buy it. This was about 2 weeks ago. And look at what we got. We found out when we got home and were getting ready to make some jello. It's not the worth the gas money nor effort to go back there and say they're not honest businessmen who deserve to be quartered in a public square.

Look at this! They're not even the same color anymore! 

You can read more about this wonderfully honest business over here:


So my mommy took the jello back to the silly store and the man didn't care. He kept chewing his sunflower seeds. He told her to take something else instead. He shouldn't have said that. I feel sorry for him now. My mommy is not friendly when she's fasting. Tsk tsk. 

Loves it!!!

Check it out!! A wonderful idea for keeping your scarves all neat and clean

I {heart} organizing: Scarf Organizer

Authentic goat-skin Coat from Afghanistan

So this picture was taken in 1968. Goat-skin coats were all the rage back then and it was Afghanistan's biggest fashion export. I believe this was featured in Vogue.  

My Car

It's insane how much time I've spent on the hood of the car drying out. 

Or watching stars while doing yoga.

Or just kicking back and chilling.

Slumber Party!

That's right! I had a slumber party at the mosque. It was loads of fun! First of all it was at the Bosnian mosque which is my favorite mosque ever.

Here is a picture that I took after Fajr:

This is the front door.

Look! I can see my brothers praying with the men. 

And here I am all ready for a night at the mosque!

I love the art work on the walls! I want to do that to my bedroom but my mommy said : NO! 

This is sooo pretty! They have Bismillah written in gold on the chandelier. I took this picture before fajr so it was dark. 

The night was spent reading Quran..  

..eating pizza and drinking chai.. 

and contemplating the word of Allah.  

I had an awesome time! Next year I will do it again. Have you ever spent the night at the mosque? It beats camping in the woods because we have bathrooms and a microwave in the mosque.