Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Sunday

There is just something about balloons that make me so happy!! Especially red one!

This was so yummy!! Baby Pizzas are called Bambinos. But Bambino even means baby. 

This is how I waited until I could get a bite to eat...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York

Fashion Icon: Carolyn Bassette- Kennedy

Her style is right up my alley. I love how simple and clean and minimalist it is. 


Princess Ira von Furstenburg

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Driving in Jeddah

It's so much fun being a girl in Saudi Arabia!! There's so much one can do to be naughty- like drive a car. And I think they look pretty driving a car unlike 90% of women driving a car here (mommy included). I think my mommy left her pretty self in Saudi Arabia and brought her I-don't-care-what-i-look-like self here. She calls it integration, I call it a crime.

Friday, June 24, 2011

More Hip than a Hippopotamus!

Check out these- made out of bike and car tires! How cool is that? And they're affordable too! I'm just waiting for my dad to notice my cool taste and to ask me to start suggesting things for him to buy for himself. All cool guys need to shop at SPLAFF!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Malaysia: Bandar Pinggiran Subang

It's a beautiful spot in Malaysia- a forest with monkeys and rabbits! I do believe those are tree houses! It's a magical place I just know it!

This is my uncle Hamzah. He found the fairy's throne, and he sat on it. I hope the fairies don't hear about this desecration...

He even found bunnies running around! I NEED to go there soon! My mommy said we won't because there are lots of lizards running around. One even was on Hamzah's belly when he was sleeping, but Hamzah said they are friendly so I don't mind. 

My uncle Hamzah loves soccer! Here he is with a soccer team called The Spartans. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Review: Crazy Hair

My New Scarf

I can't seem to get my scarf right! And my camera sucks:( 

Ye Old Curiosity Shop

This store is a ton of fun!I found SO many things that I wanted! I wanted to buy a dry human skull, but like I've said in previous posts, the grownup I'm with is a bit unadventurous when it comes to human remains. So I settled for candy, a bracelet and satisfying my morbid side by staring at the corpses.

I need to go again because I didn't manage to take a lot of pictures! 
Here is a picture of boat homes:

I don't think I ever want to live in one. 

This is Seattle from the ferry! How grey! 

My day couldn't be better! I always have awesome adventures with my mommy and brothers! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ramadan is in the Air!

I'm super excited! We already started the count down for Ramadan! Check out all the dates! I love Dates!

A Little Fashionista!

I love finding fashionistas! Isn't she fashionable? Her name is Zeri Jan and she lives in New York. I LOVE her outfits especially in the first picture! One day we will meet and talk fashion over a cup of tea and warm scones. :)

Sunny Day!

I had a big day! Every Friday is a big day for me! I woke up and saw all the sun, so I of course took pictures.

And then I went with Mommy to the library and just watched people walk by.  It was very interesting. 

And then later I went to my brothers' school and hung out for a while. I wore my new dress. 

And this is a picture from our ride home!

How do you like to spend a sunny day?