Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Look at what I ate for Dinner!!!

I made a Two Course Meal!!!

I love air-fried potatoes! They are the absolute best food! I recommend eating potatoes with a side dip! What's your favorite dip to eat with potatoes? I like dipping my potatoes in ketchup or sweet and sour dip! How do you make your chicken? In this video I'm showing you how I roast my chicken. It tastes so good and smells even better. What do eat your chicken and potatoes with? Tell me how this recipe turns out for you!

Look at this Easy Breakfast Recipe

Breakfast at Tiffany's Oatmeal Recipe

Hey Guys! What do you like to eat for breakfast? I really like oatmeal! It's jam-packed with nutrients and tastes amazing! I hope you guys try this recipe! Tell me how it goes if you do! How do you make your oatmeal? Do you like to eat cinnamon with your oatmeal? I sure do!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hahaha! Funny Memes!

The last one was hilarious!!! It's Wednesday?

Eating what I Made!!!

Twiggy Pictures!!

Her dress is so pretty!

I love black and white pictures!

I think those were her 3 best pictures! Especially the last, her fur coat looks so cool!

Fashionistas on Stage!!

I would love to eat those lollipops!! Although I've got to say
I like their hairstyles!

Their shoes look boss...They also walk like the boss!

Her outfits really pretty! I love her shoes and skirt!
Her shirt goes with the whole outfit!

If I were a Fairy...

 The house above looks so cool! If I was a fairy I would live there!
Other than the fact that it looks super creepy!

This town in the forest is for a neighborhood of fairies.
That would be where my house is located.

This looks exactly like a hobbit house!
Except... just for fairies!

Princess Blueberry!!

Yes It's true Princess Blueberry is back! I can't believe it she's back! She's back! Everyone she's back make sure to pay her a visit!

Blueberry Girl is Back!!

Please don't come back Stalker!

         Hello there people! It's been a few years by now and I've decided to start my blog back up, also my YouTube channel is back on so you can also check that up! I am now 11 years old so I do have a bit more developed fashion sense....right?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Eid Mubarak!

Here are some Eid greeting cards that I made:) Feel free to use but do credit me for them :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

My Huge Fan?

Looks like my stalker visits my blog more often than I do.. :(  

It's been ages and I wanted to come back here. I had so much fun with this blog. I hope the stalker doesn't return. I'm not Princess Diana! Why do I even have stalkers?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Iftar At My Place

Iftar was cheese snails and veggie/seafood wraps. And that's a dip for the wraps. I want Ramadan to come again- don't you?

Eritrean Iftar!

This is an Iftar I had at my friend's place. Her family is from Eritrea and the food her mommy made was what they eat in Eritrea- it was super yummy! That's yogurt and rice and salad and veggie casserole and some super spicy stew that we ate with bread. So good!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ramadan memories of 2012.

We went for Iftar to the Bosnian mosque! It was super fun :D Here are some pictures!!

It was intense for a few minutes as people all lined up.

But everyone had a good time socializing in line, and cutting in line.  

Here's all the goodies. 

Check out the salads!

Such a beautiful night to sit outside and enjoy the cool summer weather. 

Here's the fruit and desert.

Prayer time! 

Cake for Me

These cakes are the perfect size for me. It's an upside-down cake!! It is as delicious as it looks. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Organic Farming

I think I just found a new hobby! And it's great for me because I'm 94.7% vegetarian. Just look at this amazing gourd tunnel! I can play in it for hours- so I baaaadly want one for my room. 

Ah sprouts! Love them! So delicious!!! 

This is just so wonderful! 

A herb wall. Everyone needs one in their living room:)

I dunno if I like this much..

Can you guess what these plants are in?

I'm madly in love with this awesome website. So many bright ideas! And wanna plant turmeric? Then check out how here. Fresh turmeric is so expensive to buy but such a staple at my home that we NEED to plant it to cut costs! 
Anyway, I will definitely be posting updates on my new craze. 

I seriously have no idea how to do this: